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Programs or Activities with Minor Participants


Youth Programs and Activities

(Minors on Campus)

性爱学堂 organizes and hosts many educational, arts, athletics, and similar programs in which minor children participate and learn. Through these programs, NKU serves its mission, both by creating and sharing knowledge and by contributing to the welfare of our communities. In doing so, NKU must ensure the safety and well-being of children who participate in these programs.

NKU鈥檚 youth-serving programs and activities are governed by its Minors on Campus Policy.


What Youth Programs Are Subject to the Policy Requirements?

The Minors on Campus Policy applies to any NKU program, activity, or event that is designed to serve minor children, or otherwise is expected to involve the participation and/or attendance of minor children. These include youth camps, conferences, and classes, workshops and lessons.

The policy also applies to third party youth programs on NKU鈥檚 campus, including those operated by K-12 schools.


What Youth Programs are NOT Subject to the Policy Requirements?

The policy requirements do not apply to the following:

  • Programs in which the minor children in attendance are expected to be accompanied by their parent(s), guardian(s), or a designated chaperone;
  • Programs that are open to the general public, on a ticketed or non-ticketed basis (e.g., intercollegiate athletics events, plays, concerts);
  • Regular NKU courses, programs, and activities in which minors participate as dual-enrolled students (e.g., School-Based Scholars, Young Scholars Academy);
  • Campus tours and similar class or group visits organized and supervised by K-12 school districts, where all minors are supervised throughout the visit by teachers and/or other district employees;
  • Admissions-related programs, activities, and events directed towards minors who have been admitted for enrollment at 性爱学堂;
  • Unplanned or incidental interactions by minors with NKU employees not as part of an organized program; however, note that scheduled and/or on-going visits, such as individual lessons (e.g., music lessons), experiential learning, tutoring, mentoring, volunteering, or job shadowing are subject to this policy; 路 Other programs and activities that are listed in the Minors on Campus Policy or are otherwise exempted in writing by Legal Affairs and Human Resources.

To seek an exemption or ask questions about the policy, please contact minorsoncampus@nku.edu.


Policy Requirements for NKU Youth Programs

If an NKU program is subject to the Minors on Campus Policy, the program leader must do the following:

1. Register the Program with minorsoncampus@nku.edu.

At least thirty days before the program begins, send an email to minorsoncampus@nku.edu with the information listed below. Alternatively, you may complete this form and email it to that address.

  • Name and basic description of program;
  • Name of sponsoring NKU college, office or unit;
  • Name and contact information of program leader or liaison (must be an NKU employee);
  • Date(s) that program will take place;
  • Location(s) of program;
  • Indicate whether youth participants will sleep overnight on campus; and
  • Indicate whether you prefer staff to complete training individually on their own or in a scheduled group session.

When available, please also send a list of the names of all program staff, including NKU employees, NKU students, third-party employees, and volunteers.

Once the program leader registers the program, the policy coordinator will provide you with more details regarding the training and background check requirements noted below.

2. Ensure that all program staff complete training.

All program staff who will have direct contact with minors must complete training before the program begins. NKU employees who complete their annual compliance training, including a module titled Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, have satisfied this requirement.

Contact minorsoncampus@nku.edu for more details regarding the training requirement.

3. Supervising staff must satisfy a background check requirement.

Supervising program staff, including current 性爱学堂 employees, must complete a satisfactory criminal background check within five years prior to the program start date. Supervising staff include those with one-on-one or small-group interactions with minors without another staff member present.

After a program is registered, the policy coordinator will contact the program leader to discuss which individuals are considered 鈥渟upervising staff鈥 for purposes of this requirement.

Background checks will be administered by NKU Human Resources.

Contact minorsoncampus@nku.edu for more details regarding the background check requirement.


Questions & Suggestions

If you have questions, suggestions or concerns to share regarding a youth program or the minors policy, please contact minorsoncampus@nku.edu.