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Student Organizations

Student organizations enrich the law school experience through specialized programs, student and professional networking, and leadership opportunities. Whether the focus is substantive or practical, student organizations offer numerous ways to be involved.

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Law Review

Students who excel academically plan and edit the Northern Kentucky Law Review of scholarly articles by professors, lawyers, judges, and students. Each of four issues annually has a theme. Two issues focus on selected symposia topics, one surveys recent decisions by Kentucky courts in a specific field, and one analyzes general law topics.

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Student Bar Association

Students annually elect Student Bar Association representatives and officers who comprise the student government at Chase. Association representatives participate with faculty members on committees to ensure the quality of the educational experience, and plan professional, community service, and social programs for students.

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Competition Teams

Competition teams, for which members are selected competitively, allow students to develop and apply important lawyer skills in simulated situations, such as mock trials and appellate arguments, and to test themselves in competitions against students from other law schools. In addition, intra-scholastic competitions allow all students to participate in competitions with other Chase students.

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Writing Competitions

Clear and persuasive writing is essential for lawyers. Students can develop it through external writing competitions that attract students from throughout the nation. Search for writing  competitions through the .



Scholarships are offered by external organizations and law firms to assist and encourage current law students. Search for scholarships through
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