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Educator Resources for Classroom and Remote Teaching


Fall 2023 Training Sessions


What are AI and Chat GPT: Tuesday August 29 1-1:30 p.m.

We are starting with the basics in this session. We will talk about what exactly AI is, and what is this tool called ChatGPT that everyone is talking about? This is intended for those folks just stepping into the world of AI and want to better understand the terminology and how to get started.


ChatGPT Prompts: Thursday September 14 10-10:30 a.m.

A major component of effectively using ChatGPT is knowing how to ask it for what you want. In this session we will look at many different ideas for prompts and how you can use those to get the assistance you are looking for. Resources will be shared to help you to continue to better use prompting with ChatGPT


AI is More Than ChatGPT Part 1: Wednesday September 27 9-9:30 a.m.

In this session we will look at other AI tools that can be helpful in education such as s, etc.


AI is More Than ChatGPT Part 2: Monday October 9 12:15-1:00 p.m.

In this session we will look at other AI tools that can be helpful in education such as , etc.

MEP 267 - COE Faculty / Staff / Students RSVP to Shannon Eastep


AI Sharing Session: Friday November 3 10-11:00 a.m.

In this session we will gather and share how you have successfully used AI in your course. Shannon will share examples from EDU 313 and others are encouraged to share their courses experiences with AI as well.

Recorded Workshops

  • AI is More Than ChatGPT:  
  • (and )
  •  (and )
  •  (and )
  • (Keep, Jamboard, and Earth)



Free Tools

to Help Engage Online, Hybrid, and In-Person Learners

Looking for a downloadable resource document to take with you? 

Students Talking