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Demographics for 2023 Entering Class*

*The following data as it relates to LSAT/GPA profiles has been verified by the Law School Admission Council as of October 2023.

Ìý Total
Students Enrolled 126
LSAT 75th percentile 156
LSAT Median 152
LSAT 25th percentile 149
GPA 75th percentile 3.66
GPA Median
GPA 25th percentile 3.07
Residents 74
Non-Residents 52
Men 54
Women 72
Racial/Ethnic Diversity 16%
Age Range 20-60
Number of States Represented

2023 JD Student Profile

Total Enrollment: 367

Men: 165 (45%)

Women: 202 (55%)

Minorities: 45 (12%)

Full-time Students: 279 (76%)

Part-time Students: 88 (24%)

Institutions and Degrees

  • 46 Undergraduate Institutions Represented
  • 13 Students with Advanced Degrees

Top Undergraduate Majors

  • Business
  • Criminal Justice
  • Finance
  • Political Science
  • Psychology